Collection Six:
5.5×8.5 Handout



Your Content:

We’re ready for your text now—the fields below each correspond with a line on the publication going from top to bottom.

What are you promoting?

45 characters remaining

Is there a where, a when, or a cost?

130 characters remaining

Why should people be interested?

250 characters remaining

How do folks learn more or register?

130 characters remaining

Photo Options

If you chose a publication that incorporates a photo, our default plan is to nerd out and choose a thematically-helpful photo for you for free. You’ll get a proof, and if you hate it, we’ll try again. If this is what you want, skip to adding your logo.

Alternatively, you can upload a custom photo below. Your photo must be hi-resolution and you must have the rights to use it. The fee is not a quick “upcharge” for us—To make your photo look great, we’ll rework as much of the template as we need to.

(max file size 100 MB)

We love printing. If it’s helpful, we’ll take it from here to get these to your doorstep.

  • 1x Collection Six:
    5.5x8.5 Handout
  • Subtotal $35


A 5.5×8.5in handout for promoting a announcement, campaign, or event.

This handout is designed to be easily printed in-house, two-up at 100% size on a sheet of standard, 8.5x11in paper. The handout is one-sided, full-color, and and uses a blank margin to make accurate cutting easy. This handout is not full-bleed.

About Collection Six:

A black and white approach with an emphasis on photography, Collection Six features legibility and ease of use without compromising visually.