Collection Nine:



Your Content

We’re ready for your text now—the fields below each correspond with a heading or section in the bulletin, going from top to bottom.


Mission statement? Social links?

Events & Announcements?

We’ll format headings and such.

Other information?

Again, we’ll format, you can review!

We love printing. If it’s helpful, we’ll take it from here to get these to your doorstep.


A 5.5×8.5in bulletin for weekly communication of events, announcements, and general information.

This bulletin is one-sided, full-color, and utilizes full-bleed printing.

About Collection Nine:

From Isaiah 54:11 to Revelation 21:18, the Church’s stones are set by Christ in varying degree, but never in mere mortar. Collection nine depicts a dream of gold settings for colored marble stones, if only realized on paper and screen. To suggest that the visual goal is not mere “luxury,” the typography is unassuming, modest san-serifs.


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