Event Artwork • Park Church • March 2017
We directed this artwork for a conference Park Church is hosting in March. We’ve long admired the painting of Jennie Lou Pitts, and we were crazy excited to plan and execute this artwork with her.
Although we do like the lettering we did for this artwork—the tension and conflict created support the words themselves: Greatest Fears and Hardest Questions—but the beauty is clearly in Jennie’s painting.
What you’re seeing in the main digital artwork is a zoomed-in shot of one little part of the entire, four-part painting. When zoomed out (see image below) the big picture shows much more; more elegance, more brightness, more completeness. The rhetorical value of this contrast for a conference on trusting God in the middle of hardship goes a long way. Viewers will first see the dark colors, the grit and texture of the canvas, and the hint of white, all symbolizing grief and Paul’s “this present suffering” in the moment. However, when viewers arrive to the conference and see the four enormous pieces on the wall, they’ll recognize the smaller section but understand it in context of the big picture. It’s a small way to symbolize the big-picture we learn to see when we experience anything—even suffering—in light of the glory of the hope of the Gospel.
Learn more about Abide in Me at parkrenew.org/abide-with-me.