Event Artwork • Park Church • March 2017
We directed this artwork for a conference Park Church is hosting in March. The lettering was done by Andrew Miller, whose work we’ve really come to love. As complex as the issue of suffering is, he elegantly depicted the beauty of it without making it a thing too “soft.” We thought the little thorns were nifty.
For the artwork, we chose the off-white color and black and white photo to depict some of the complicated messages introduced by the event’s subtitle, The Power of Christ for Grace in Weakness. The image is some zoomed-in shot of a waterfall. It’s soft and graceful, but immensely powerful. One feels that they can be crushed by it just as easily as they can be thrilled by it. Suffering is usually a lot more “crushing” than “thrilling,” but for those who are in Christ, the implications of His power for grace in our weakness is not only thrilling, it’s staggering. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul writes, “He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’”
Learn more about Thorns and Thistles at parkrenew.org/thorns-and-thistles.