Sermon Series Artwork • Park Church • January 2019
Illustration by Christian Robinson.
In 2018, we worked with Christian Robinson for Park Church’s Genesis series. The response was such that deciding to work with him for the follow-up series, Exodus, was easy.
The two main pieces symbolize two of the main narrative arcs of Exodus: Part I depicts man-made mountains (the pyramids), stalks of wheat (representing Israel’s brick-making slavery), an eagle flying overhead (Ra, or the perceived dominion of Egypt’s gods), and the road out. Part II depict the mountain of God which He Himself made (Sinai), the glory coming down on the mountain, and Mosts holding the tablets and his staff.
Part III depicts the crossing of the red sea, and serves as a “bridge” between parts I and II, illustrating the climax of the story and the penultimate moment of Israel’s rescue by Yahweh.
To display the artwork, we printed Parts I and II on 4×8 foot sheets of birch to hang in the Park Church sanctuary (see photos below). We also printed Part III on a 6×4 foot birch panel to be displayed in the lobby.